
MAC na Bélgica se desculpa após acusações de racismo de ex-funcionários

Maquiadora Karla Quiñonez Leon (foto) fez um relato no Instagram acusando a Mac de racismo - Reprodução/Instagram
Maquiadora Karla Quiñonez Leon (foto) fez um relato no Instagram acusando a Mac de racismo Imagem: Reprodução/Instagram

De Universa, em São Paulo

12/06/2020 09h01Atualizada em 12/06/2020 13h09

A MAC Cosmetics na Bélgica emitiu um pedido de desculpas público após acusações de racismo de ex-funcionários. Na semana passada, a maquiadora afro-latina Karla Quiñonez Leon falou sobre o racismo que sofreu enquanto trabalhava numa loja da marca em Bruxelas.

Ao lado de uma foto dela maquiando uma cliente, Karla escreveu no Instagram: "Eu era tão ingênua em pensar que iria trabalhar em um lugar onde existia igualdade e vidas negras realmente importam (...) O modo como eles tratam os negros na MAC é nojento."

Ela acrescentou ainda que a gerência lhe disse para não gastar muito tempo trabalhando com clientes negros e que ela poderia ser "mais grosseira com eles, porque eles estão acostumados a sofrer e podem aguentar".

#blacklivesmatter??? And this is one of many stories that I have to tell as being black is something I was never allowed to forget. So I will gladly remind you of a time when someone didn't allow me to forgot what it mean to be black and what is to be black. Back in 2017 a few months after that I finished my make-up school it was my dream to work for @maccosmetics and one of the reason why I wanted to become a make up artist was to be able to help Black people out with their make up as so many were given the wrong foundation and I was so naive to believe that I was to work at a place where I could change it. Also very naive to think that I was going to work at a place where equality existed and Black lives really matter cause yeah we were ride or die costumers from Mac. But oh boy I was wrong and went to hell and back just to be able to tell my story today .. The way the treat Black people at Mac is disgusting ... still today I would go to a mac store they would chase me around and ask me what I want 10 times and even before I touch a lipstick, they will take it out of my hands and you know why that happens cause it's encouraged at the very top to do so. My white ex manager told me not to take too much time and that I was too carefull with my black customers and I shouldn't be afraid to be a bit more rough with them as they're used to pain and they can take it !!!!!! I was in shock when I heard that and best believe I cried on my way home cause I was disgusted by her words. I didn't leave mac cause I refused to let my Black people be treated like that.. I love the customers, they were so nice to me and so supporting of my work while the people that worked for Mac was kind of bulling me for being who I was, I was told so many times that they didn't hired me for my talent or because I was multilingual but because I was the token of a Black person that need to be filled so the Black customers would buy products .. cause The Black customers wouldn't trust the non- black workers. I'm not here to say everyone at Mac is bad but this is not good either. You should treat people that way because you think you can, be better and do better @maccosmeticsbelgium !!!

Uma publicação compartilhada por Karla Quin?onez Leon (@karlaqleon) em

Depois que ela compartilhou sua história, outros maquiadores relataram suas próprias experiências semelhantes em lojas da MAC na Bélgica.

Desde que as histórias foram compartilhadas, os usuários de redes sociais cobraram a marca, e ontem a empresa emitiu um pedido formal de desculpas no Instagram.

"Na última semana, nós da MAC Bélgica ouvimos e refletimos sobre experiências brutas e dolorosas compartilhadas corajosamente conosco nas mídias sociais. Queremos agradecer às pessoas que se apresentaram e informá-las que sentimos muito pela dor que sentiram e ainda estão sentindo (...) Nossa escuta não é silêncio. Ouvir leva ao aprendizado. E tudo o que ouvimos e aprendemos ajudou a influenciar como agiremos agora e para o nosso futuro coletivo. "

In the last week, we at MAC Belgium have heard and reflected on raw and painful experiences courageously shared with us on social media. We want to thank the individuals who have come forward and let them know how deeply sorry we are for the pain they felt and are still feeling. Thank you for having the strength to share publicly and for inviting us to be part of this important conversation. We believe that a pathway to change starts with listening. We have been listening carefully and listening intently. Our listening is not silence. Listening leads to learning. And everything we have heard and learned has helped to influence how we will take action now and for our collective future. Here is our commitment to action: -First and foremost, we are wholeheartedly continuing to reinforce our ZERO TOLERANCE policy of discrimination. We have multiple channels, including helplines, where employees can report any questions, concerns, feelings or observations. It's important our employees know they have a safe place to share their feelings, ideas and concerns without any fear of retaliation. -We are focused on building a stronger internal culture of advocacy and inclusion. This includes enhanced trainings for managers to have a deep understanding of the issues surrounding race and the workplace, particularly around microaggressions. -With thousands of social media followers and fans in Belgium and around the world, we have a responsibility to continue raising awareness for the systemic inequality facing the Black community. Throughout the month of June and beyond, we will make an extra effort to spotlight these issues here and on our global platform @maccosmetics. This is only the beginning. Some of the actions will be immediate, others will take time, but we will ensure that all are lasting and impactful. We pledge to hold ourselves accountable, which builds on our long-standing commitment to inclusion and equality for All Ages, All Races, All Genders.

Uma publicação compartilhada por M?A?C Cosmetics Belgium (@maccosmeticsbelgium) em