
Modelo mostra fotos do rosto machucado após ser atacada por homem em festa

Yasmine Cécilia disse que resolveu se abrir publicamente sobre o incidente "para espalhar a consciência sobre o abuso" contra mulheres - Reprodução/Instagram
Yasmine Cécilia disse que resolveu se abrir publicamente sobre o incidente "para espalhar a consciência sobre o abuso" contra mulheres Imagem: Reprodução/Instagram

De Universa, em São Paulo

12/08/2020 10h48

A modelo Yasmine Cécilia compartilhou ontem em seu perfil no Instagram uma série de imagens de seu rosto ensanguentado e machucado após, segundo ela, ter sido agredida por um homem que se recusou a deixar sua casa após uma festa.

"Comecei a gritar com ele, dizendo que realmente queria que ele fosse embora. Então ele perdeu a cabeça e me deu um soco na cara várias vezes, eu imediatamente senti que meu nariz estava quebrado e não podia fazer nada para me proteger", relatou.

Segundo a modelo, o homem continuou socando-a mesmo quando ela já estava no chão e sem chance de se defender. Yasmine disse que conseguiu se rastejar até o corredor de seu apartamento, onde conseguiu gritar por seus vizinhos para chamarem a polícia.

A modelo ainda relatou que o homem tentou culpá-la por toda aquela situação. A influencer contou que ficou dois dias em um hospital devido aos ferimentos, enquanto o agressor ficou preso por volta de "5 ou 6 horas e está livre agora".

Yasmine disse que o agressor ainda tentou culpá-la pela situação - Reprodução/Instagram - Reprodução/Instagram
Yasmine disse que o agressor ainda tentou culpá-la pela situação
Imagem: Reprodução/Instagram

"Eu me sinto uma merda, mas ainda tenho muita sorte porque isso poderia ter acabado de forma muito pior. Estou fazendo uma pausa nas redes sociais para dedicar um tempo para mim e minha saúde mental e espero que todos respeitem meu descanso", disse.

Em seu relato, Cécilia disse que resolveu contar sobre o caso "para espalhar a consciência sobre o abuso" contra mulheres.

Confira mais imagens e o relato na íntegra:

Ok so first of all I wanted to keep this a secret and don't post it at all. But I feel like I need to use my platform to spread awareness about abusement. It all started as a little stupid after party at my place. At the end of the party I wanted everyone to go home but there was one person (I saw him once because we have mutual friends) that didn't wanted to go home because he wanted to sleep at my place. He was sleeping on the couch so I woke him up and told him that he needed to leave. He acted confused and instead of going home he went straight to my bedroom and locked the door. I wanted to call the police but my phone was in the room with him. I was getting scared because he was still at my place so I kept telling him that he needed to leave. He openend the door and went to my living room again, I started to yell at him that I really wanted him to leave. Then he lost his shit and punched me in the face multiple times, I immediately felt that my nose was broken and couldn't do anything to protect myself. He kept punching me als I fell on the ground, as I was laying on the ground he kept hitting and kicking me all over my body. I was so scared when all the blood was dripping of my face and at that point I crawled to my apartment hall where I asked my neighbours to call the police. The guy came and sat there with me in the hallway and told me it was my own fault because I wanted him to leave. the police and people from the hospital came and took me to the hospital. The police took him to jail where he was in for 5-6h and is free now. I was in the hospital for 2 days, my nose is broken, I have a concussion and my eye is fucked. I feel like shit but still so lucky because this could end up much worse. I'm taking a little break from social media to take time for myself and my mental health and I hope that everyone respects my rest. Karma will get him and I'll take further steps for justice. And I want to tell EVERYONE that we need to stand together and be strong. Love you guys. PLEASE KEEP SPREADING AWARENESS ABOUT THIS BECAUSE I DON'T WANT OTHER PEOPLE TO GO THROUGH THE SAME THING.

Uma publicação compartilhada por Yasmine Cécilia (@yasminepierards) em