

Inspiração pra fazer da atividade física um hábito

As pessoas estão pirando com o Homem-Árvore, e não é à toa


02/06/2017 11h26

Bastou um tuíte para que o personal trainer Danny Jones, da Califórnia (EUA), ganhasse um novo apelido e fama nas redes sociais.

"Isso não é um homem, é uma árvore"

A internet, então, pirou no Homem-Árvore.

A partir daí Danny resolveu aderir ao apelido e já até postou uma foto no meio das árvores em sua conta no Instagram.


I figured I might as well embrace it... #treeman

A post shared by Danny Jones Online Training (@dannyjonesfitness)







Ele é praticamente da altura da porta....

E chega a bater com a cabeça no teto.


Don't really know what I was doing here, but I'm pretty sure there was a large pepperoni pizza directly below me...

A post shared by Danny Jones Online Training (@dannyjonesfitness)





Além de chamar atenção por ter mais de dois metros de altura, Danny também impressiona pela boa forma que exibe. Mas nem sempre o Homem-Árvore foi assim.

Com frequência, ele posta fotos de seu “antes e depois” no Instagram e conta um pouco sobre sua história. Danny praticava atividade física desde sempre e jogava basquete profissionalmente durante a faculdade.


Don't you dare quit now. - Do you know how long it took me to finally start seeing some noticeable differences in myself? A looooong time, longer than it should have. Lemme tell you why. - When I first started this journey (hate calling it that cuz it's so cliche sounding, but that's exactly what it is) I was hungry. And I'm not speaking in terms of hunger for food. I was unhappy with how I looked and how I felt. I wanted to walk around with confidence and feel good with how I looked. I was going to do everything in my power to make a change. - But oh how quick we are to give up, make excuses and find reasons to quit. I would bust my ass in the gym and diet like a maniac for a week or two and I'd look in the mirror and see the exact same dude from a couple weeks ago looking back at me. Seemed like there was little to no change. So, I'd say "screw this, why am I killing myself with diet and training if it's making so little of a difference". And I'd quit until the next time I had a little more motivation to start all over. - Left: 280lbs. Working out hard 5-6 days a week at around 2-3 hours per workout. Little/no knowledge of nutrition. Right: 250lbs. Working out hard 5-6 days a week at around 1-1.5 hours per workout. Daily calculated diet to help me reach my goals. It was at this time I FINALLY realized my body was undergoing some serious change. Granted, I made significant changes prior to this photo, but due to my overly self-critical nature, it took me forever to actually notice the positive change. - I've come a long ways from then and have learned more about myself and this process than you can probably imagine. DO NOT give up because you aren't seeing the results you want in a few weeks. You may screw up 500 times, but keep pushing. I can't even imagine where I'd be now if I hadn't. - ??Let's make 2017 your year. Let me help YOU.?? - -

A post shared by Danny Jones Online Training (@dannyjonesfitness)





Quando parou, ele começou a engordar e chegou a pesar 136 quilos. Ele resolveu emagrecer e passou a se exercitar duas horas por dia e a comer melhor, o que fez com que ele eliminasse nove quilos em poucos meses.

Mas, ainda assim, o personal trainer não estava satisfeito com sua forma física. Ele estudou Nutrição e passou a aplicar seus conhecimentos para ter uma barriga de tanquinho. Agora, ele oferece serviços de consultoria para quem também quer mudar de vida.